
simply not

So.  They look different, right?
 I'm supposed to be simplifying things now. Starting to cover up bits and creating interesting shapes using positive and negative spaces. So that they kind of look like these....
 But I find it rather terrifying so I'm sort of delaying it. Can you find the cats in the first canvas?

 After days of drawing flowers and trying to think of other personally meaningful imagery it suddenly dawned...of course! Kittehs! Why the hell not?

The Shins- Simple Song - 2012


Val said...

OMG - gorgeous!! I just love the first one. Well done Lee - they have changed since last week - didn't think you could improve on them, but you have. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! Those are coming on. Looking at the "examples" I think you're right on the money. Like your mom, I think I like the first one more. Underwater Kitties, while the second one is definitely Flowers, but not so under water :) Love the colours in both of them - so vibrant!
In the first one, I particularly like the cat that we see side on, looking up to the right - I like the space it takes up - or doesn't take up...

Denise Riches said...

Hi fellow Bloom True Classmate. Love the progress on these paintings. Beautiful colors and why not kitties! Go for it! I just finished up one of my paintings and I'm surprised it too so long. Yikes! Anyhow, I've added you to my Bloom Favorites folder and look forward to more seeing more of your paintings.

Litchi said...

Hey Denise (and Anon!)
Thanks for the kind words! Denise- I've not finished either of mine yet. Yikes indeed. And Gulp.
And they're so totally different again that I promised myself I wouldn't post any more pics until the canvases were finished.
So. No pressure there. ;-P

Sam said...

Doh! The anon was me *g*

Litchi said...

Aha! Hello you ;-P

Val said...

Reckon it is time we saw the finished (unfinished?) canvasses?
How about it - you will soon be on holiday! :)
No pressure of course. :)