Things at work are hectic (just over a month left!!!) but I've also been soooo lazy lately.
End of year burn-out? Hmm, probably. All I know is that my fingers have been itching to shoot something for a while now. So yesterday morning I hopped in the car at 05:50 and drove through to the Strand. Not to the beach this time (although I did end up there) but for a walk along it's quiet streets.
It was unbelievably quiet -no birds, no dogs, no cars. Just the sound of my camera and the sea.
I know night owls don't get it but I just love being up while the rest of the world is asleep.
It's like holding a secret close to your chest.
I remember doing the exact same thing when I was a little girl living at the vlei. I'd tiptoe out the house, grabbing Toffee the dog, and walk down to a road that led to the waters edge.
Toffee would be in doggy heaven rooting around poking his nose into mole hills and I'd lie back in the tall grass and listen to the coots splashing in the reeds.
Now it's seagulls instead of coots.
Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings- Inspiration Information
I love the new look for your block!
Know what you mean about burn-out, for me it's a horrible 'not interested' feeling and so can't get stuck into anything!
Thanks Meri!
My 'not interested' will have to wait until awards evening is over. Now I'm trying to find an appropriate Bible verse (, God for Google)and a cheap florist.
Year-end will be here soon enough and then you will have all the time you need to get clicking. No photos of the cats? Btw, my camera spots are back, I did the manual cleaning and it did go away but they are back. I think it's time I sent it to Canon for some proper cleaning. :(
Wonderful capture of the early morning. Love the seagulls and the street scene. Great lighting.
Hang in there and good luck with the awards evening!!! :)
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