
Day 1- hello heathrow

Mom and I are sitting under the BA lounge (sneakily using the larneys free wi-fi) next to aWHsmith killing time. We had a bit of a bumpy ride =lots of turbulance and of course, I didn't get much sleep at all. We weren't that impressed with BA actually- sour-faced cabin crew and no warm lemony face cloths this morning!! Are they doing budget cuts or what? We had a bit of an experience entering the international connections lounge/area..going through the madness that is the security check!!!!! OMG!!! Mom very wisely put her bracelets in a plastic bag and sent them through the detector (EVERYTHING has to go through them in plastic trays) I left mine on. Bad move. Just ahead was a moslem lady who was being scrutinsed and her hubby was starting some kind of International Incident by accusing everyone of prejudice when I walked through... and set off the alarms. So there I stood security guard stopped everything while I had to wait for a woman to come and search me (one already being involved in the drama with the moslems) very red-faced and awkward cause everything was held up. Eventually a woman came to wave the wand and boy- was she thorough!!!! Eish. We then dashed ( me red-faced and mother in full I-told-you-so mode) to the nearest coffee shop where we inhaled the most divine americano guarenteed to keep us awake for the next half of our journey. Bring on Vancouver!!
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