
cat power

My kittens were born in Uniondale (poor unfortunate souls... no offense, Lauren ;-P) which was problematic because I'm about six hours away. After looking at and agonising over all the permutations (like waiting another month for their delivery..or actually driving all the way up there to fetch them) Lauren arranged for a drop off somewhere halfway. This involved the kitties riding in the back of a bakkie (driven by a man called Oom Stan) as far as Montagu. Mom and I would take a leisurely drive through the Boland and meet Oom Stan and his cargo in Montagu at 16:00. The day started off bright and hot and full of promise and we hit the road singing Free Falling, thumping the dashboard and punching our fists through the open window...well, OK, no singing or thumping...but that was probably because I had the camera permanently glued to my face. Like this.

I'd pop the lens cap on, put the camera in my bag at my feet and say "Ok...that's enough. I won't take any more." Two minutes later the camera would get whipped out the bag and I'd be in full cyclops mode again.Can you blame me when the scenery was as irresistable as this?

Ok..enough about the Western Cape's rural charms..on to the kitties (one of which keeps climbing from my lap to the keyboard as I type)..I'm ashamed to say the only photo I have of kitties in transit is a horribly blurry one taken during one of the road work hold ups. I think it was because I was still so worried ....worried that they'd die of heat exhaustion..or shock....I don't know kittens.....
Besides, I couldn't bare seeing their petrified deer-caught-in-the-headlight stares.

But who really wants pics of poep scared pussies? Besides, I have already amassed an arsenal of pretty pics...let the onslaught begin!
Two and a half hours later we get home and head for the safe, dark (and probably dusty as hell because the vacuum can't really fit under there) place of Under the Bed. After hiding there for two hours bro and sis (still unnamed) came out to play.
And they haven't really stopped since.
Except, of course, when they're taking a nap. ; )

More road trip pics in Flickr.

ETA- The 'M's on the forehead have me ditching the idea of naming them after favourite TV couples.
I've decided on Maxwell and Miranda. How does that sound?


Lol said...

Oh...what we do for our furries! Great pics!

Val said...

Names sound fine to me!!!! :) What great photos - both of the scenery (awesome) and the kitties!!

Lol said...

I love the names too! Could also be a 'W' - Willy and Wanda?

Litchi said...

*snort* Willy Wanda? I think not!!
I dunno...am trying Miranda but it feels like a bit of a mouthful...Miri?..Randa?.. Mimi?

Lol said...

Missi & Mo?
Max & Maude?
Max & Mel (Maxwell & Melody)

Litchi said...

Ok...Minerva (a greek Goddess nogals) and then it can be Mini/Minnie for short.
There. I think that's it now.
Maxwell and Minerva. Who's just taken one of her favourite WWE-style leaps onto my back.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's it!! Minnie & Max - I like!

Jocelyn said...

Going for the M's then I see. Minnie, nice name for a kitty when her name sake is the girlfriend of a famous mouse!

Not been ignoring your cute furry posts, just swamped and tired.

But golly are these two cute or what!

Jocelyn said...

Oh and those road trip photos are freaking amazing! Wish my weekend photos were half as nice.