
the poinsettia posse....

Christmas Day and there's a serious trend starting here. One in which we open pressies, climb into poinsettia cocktails (two bottles of champagne's worth) and then spend the rest of the day eating and planning the photo shoot. Last year's rock group pose was so much fun…how to top it?
With a baddass, mofo rap group pose, that’s how. 
Oh goodgrief it was hilarious.
Research was conducted (Googling rap group poses- we're such geeks), various styles debated over, poses chosen and practiced.
Ladeeeez and gentlemennnn......please welcome the Poinsettia Posse.

The next family pic will have to be more refined and dignified or else we might give people 
the wrong impression.
That we're drunks. Or show offs. Or bloody idiots. 
But  I dare you to try it the next time you're planning a family portrait. It's a load of fun ;-P
 PS- What the hell kind of pose did they give me? Looks frighteningly like me in teacher mode.

Rappers Delight by the Sugarhill Gang


stevemeri said...

That's hilarious! So much fun :) They came out so well. Can't wait for next year, we'll be planning the pose..

Charleen said...

You guys are just too cool. Can't imagine my dad striking a pose. Looks like lots of fun though.

Val said...

We are weird - emphasis on 'are'!
What a lot of fun, though. Me trying to squash my boobs and you, my darling Leanne, looking like the teacher mode (you're right} with that delightful tinkle bell above your right eyebrow! Steve, being ever so macho and Meri getting truly into her role!
Hilarious, indeed! Let's do it again.
Maybe more decorum next time ... but who knows??

Litchi said...

Hehe...at least one person thinks we're cool!! Thanks Charleen! As for your dad and messing around; just ply him with cocktails and schnapps and stick a silly hat on his head and you're halfway there.

I must say I snorted throughout the entire two hours it took to create the post. Two hours! No wonder I don't do this too often during term time.

Preeti said...

These pictures are the best, hilarious! Your family is great, if I tried to pull something off like this with my fam I would get sulky, sober and maybe a half smile! I love the whole Christmas in the sun thing =)

Sam said...

Ha ha!! No wonder it took you so long to update your blog putting that lot together. Brilliant! I especially love how in between all the epic coolness, there's sniggering and "OMG! how drunk are we?" moments. :)

And your boet is clearly the lead mo-fo.

Actually, what I love most about this is that you researched rappers... LoL!

Litchi said...

Thanks for popping in ; ) My mom has already sent me ideas for next year's pose....*eyeroll* As for sunny Christmases - we love 'em too... but snowy ones hold a certain appeal. Perhaps one day!
Yeah- bro was definitely living out some kind of fantasy there. Lol