

 Another dry and dusty school field. This time the field belongs to the local high school. And the kids are not running. They're flying.....and spinning...and hurtling through the air at breakneck speeds.

 And  posing. Oh yeah. Lots of posing going on.

  Apart from bumping into past pupils every two minutes (some of them clearly trying to avoid me- lol) and almost getting locked in the school grounds,  it was a good afternoon.

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 'weightless' by Nada Surf


Val said...

Delightful!! Just love the atmosphere you created and the shadow horse and rider - super!!!
Wish there were more. :)

Val said...

Oh also adore the one with the dad (?) and the kid on the swing. Beautiful!!!

Charleen said...

Oh wow, you just get better and better!!! I agree with you Mom, delightful.
I love the colouring. Is that 'natural', if not, what did you do to get that effect?

Litchi said...

Thanks ladies :)
I didn't fiddle much with the colouring (except to maybe desaturate) but it was shot late afternoon which means the light was lovely and golden. It should really have been later but I had a half an hour of panicking thinking I'd been locked in..trying to find a security guard and by the time I got out the Muse had left in a huff.
I really still need to practice the motion blur shots..they're surprisingly difficult to do!

meri said...

These are fantastic, I love them! Who would have thought a school fun fair could look so magical...