The chemist asked me the other day if my cough was productive.
I answered that it was indeed, very productive. So productive it could set up it's own little phlegm factory...CoughUp Inc.
Which is more than can be said for my last three days. Unproductive to the point that I couldn't even muster up the enthusiasm to pick up the camera. Shock!Horror!
Instead, I've been sleeping lots and dozing, listening to all that NPR has to offer in the way of music and the arts. Man, I love that site!
I've also stumbled onto more gorgeous photography blogs. Enough to turn me as green as the stuff that's....*cough*...well, lets not go there.
Instead, go to Mariah M Photography and whimper enviously at her amazing pics. From Mariah's site I stampeded across to Nicole V's post-production actions ....very similar to those of Jinky's . Must figure out how to make my own!
I haven't been fiddling around on Photoshop for the last four years for nothing, have I?
Yeah, I can make my own actions!
Well. Maybe later.
These two pics were taken at the farmers' market at Tokai last weekend. I still can't believe I never bought anything! I was in full Cyclops mode.
OMG - these so capture that day!! Just love the texture and colour of the mushrooms!!!
Thanks for the amazing links. If you're green then I guess it makes me even greener. Just annoying that the photos are hosted on flickr and it's still blocked by our ISP *kicks ISP in the balls*. Anyway, guess who'll be owning a Rebel by next week? ;)
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